Okay, so it's summer and the kids are home.
So, DIY's slow down a bit when there are 10 little hands around.
But, here are a few summertime favorites you might like...

Some other things that have been going on this summer...
I finally installed instagram on my android, and I'm having so much fun with it.
Follow me on instagram here if you'd like and you'll see why there haven't been many DIY projects lately.
Next, I have a HUGE opportunity for you if your a DIYer. Coming this September...so stay tuned.
It involves lot's of hard work and socializing Philadelphia. Think your up for it? If you'd like to grow your blog, brand, or client base and your are a wiz at home projects, than this challenge is for you.
That's all I can tell you for now.
Another summertime event is the Philly Hot list. And, you don't need to live in Philly to vote.
Recently The Painted Home was nominated for the Philly Hot list.
We're in the LOCAL FLAVOR category, under the BEST BLOGGER section.
We're in the LOCAL FLAVOR category, under the BEST BLOGGER section.
I'd love it if you could take a minute and vote for The Painted Home.
(Hopefully this link below works) Simply click here to enter your vote.
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