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11 Questions

Kristin from A Simply Klassic Home passed on 11 Questions for me to answer as part of a game of “blogger tag.”  I am absolutely lousy at passing on blogger awards—but this one caught my fancy, so here goes!


1.  If you could spend the day with one of your favorite bloggers, who would it be and why? What would you do?

So I had to add “one of” to the question above, because I don’t have just one favorite.  But one of the top contenders is Suzanne from Meridian Road (who is going to think I’m stalking her after this recent project where I raved about her).   I love Suzanne’s vintage style, and I love the projects she makes and shares because she loves creating things—and not just to fill a blogging “quota.”   If we had a day together, I hope she’d take me to her favorite junking haunts, and then help me make a hotel-inspired key rack, which is the project that sucked me in to her blog in the first place!

2.  What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

That depends!  If I’m just eating it straight, I like Farr’s German Chocolate Cake Crunch.  But my favorite ice cream treat is a chocolate malt, and for that I like the cheapest chocolate ice cream—because I like it when it makes ice crystals in my malt!  If I’m eating at Leatherby’s (the best ice cream parlor ever), I like a hot fudge sundae with pralines & caramel ice cream!

3.  What current decorating/design/clothing trend do you despise?

I’ve seen lots of pictures lately of high-fashion models wearing SOCKS with high-heeled sandals.  Are you kidding me??  It was bad enough with Birkenstocks!

4.  What TV show are you embarrassed to admit that you watch?

The Big Bang Theory.  Nuff said!

5.  Who or what inspired you to start blogging?

My daughter!  I had been re-doing furniture for a while, and drooling over other blogs.  She pushed me to start one of my own.

6.  What quote/saying do you aim to live by?

That changes from time to time.  The one on my chalkboard right now is, “Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved.”  (Thomas S. Monson)  Another favorite is, “In all of living, have much fun and laughter.  Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.”  (Gordon B. Hinckley)

7.  What do you think of Pinterest? (this may be a loaded question right now...)

I had nothing but love for it until I read about their actual terms of use here.  Now—I’ll admit I’m a little freaked out by it.  At the moment, I’m choosing to bury my head in the sand and pretend it won’t affect me!  (Who’s with me??)

8.  What's your favorite sandwich?

When I was pregnant with my fourth child, I worked at a little sandwich shop (called “A Place to Ponder”—isn’t that a great name?) for about six weeks.  There was a sandwich there that I still dream about—real turkey, bacon, and harvati cheese—plus pickles!--grilled on sun-dried tomato bread.  Especially with a cup of creamy tomato soup—it was divine!

9.  What is your guilty pleasure?

Eating treats after the kids go to bed…so I don’t have to share!

10.  What is the worst gift you've ever received?

In college, I was dating a guy who brought me some sort of a gelatinous (candy) white rat.  I had NO idea what to say to him about that—it was hard to be gracious!  The relationship did not last long after that!

11.  Do you have a favorite quote from a movie?

Several!  But I particularly like these from The Princess Bride:

  • Inconceivable!
  • R.O.U.S’s?  I don’t think they exist. (Just used this at dinner on Saturday!)
  • Life IS pain, Highness!  Anyone who tells you differently is selling something.  (I like to use this one on the children when they cry, “Not fair!”)
  • As you wish!

I’m tagging the following bloggers, but my feelings will absolutely positively not be hurt if you choose not to play!

Here are your questions:

  1. If you were an animal, what would you be?
  2. What event in your life would you consider to be your “10 minutes of fame”?
  3. What is a favorite tradition from your childhood that you want to pass on?
  4. What superpower do you wish you possessed?
  5. What is your least favorite household chore?
  6. What would be a dream find for you at an antique store/thrift store/flea market/garage sale (you get the idea) ?
  7. What is something TRUE about yourself that no one would believe?
  8. What’s your favorite dessert?
  9. What is one of your favorite books?
  10. What would your dream vacation be?
  11. Why do you blog?


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