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It’s My Birthday!

It’s no secret…I haven’t been in the blogging “mood” lately (it comes and it goes).  But I haven’t just been sitting around re-reading the entire Harry Potter series…  I have also been planning and preparing for my first birthday party in 27 years!

In celebration of turning 39 (for the first time), I hosted my own party on Saturday night.  I cooked and decorated, and then enjoyed the company of family and friends-we-love-like-family.

My daughter designed these cute invitations for me:


…and that set the stage for a pinwheel-themed party  ;-)

There was a wreath on the front door, softened by some wide tulle ribbon:

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A pinwheel garland, also strung on wide tulle ribbon:

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…and more pinwheels appeared on the dessert buffet…

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…as well as one of my hand-painted signs (seemed appropriate for a party, don’t you think??) birthday 007

…and what was for dessert, you ask?  Well, there was

  • white chocolate macadamia caramel corn,
  • mint brownies,
  • German chocolate mini cupcakes, and
  • coconut lime crunch!

So you can see that cooking took a higher priority over blogging last week (there was also two kinds of lasagna and homemade cheesy bread).  I ran out of time to take more pictures before the guest arrived. 

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Since I couldn’t share my goodies with all of you, I thought I’d share some goodies from my Etsy shop instead.  Through Friday, August 31, you can get 10% off your purchase with the code 39BIRTHDAY.

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