Despite owning our house for over two years now, this will be the first summer that I will have a flower garden. I did do a few window boxes one summer but other than that, our focus has been entirely on our house. Also, the yard has been a construction zone filled with lumber, gravel and mud.
For the past few months I have begun researching and planning for our flower garden, and I can't tell you how very happy it's made me. I can't wait to watch the yard blossom! Also, having always been someone who loves to adorn her house with fresh cut flowers, I absolutely cannot wait to make beautiful bouquets from the garden.
So far I've brought home the following:

Nikko Blue Hydrangea

English Boxwood

Limelight Hydrangea

David Austin, Heritage

David Austin, Glamis Castle

David Austin himself.
Well, no I haven't brought home David Austin (the handsome man that he is) - but I have absolutely fallen head over heels in love with his roses - as so many do. Curious to know what brilliant, genius of a man created such magnificent old-fashioned roses, I decided to learn a little more about him. Go here to read more about him. What a beautiful man - in - every - single - way. ; )
Happy Growing!
Note: Only top image is mine. All other images were obtained online.
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