I was one of the first to follow Luiza and, after a couple of weeks I received the kindest email from her. A week or two later, I was the recipient of a wreath, handmade by Luiza herself, as a gift. She is the most creative, kind and generous person and I am so lucky to count her as a friend. Her blog is Scandanavian heaven, with her beautiful, handmade items and her wonderful photographs, so please pay her a visit. She will love you for it.
I then had the same award bestowed upon me by Bonjour Romance. I am so grateful as I am fairly new to her blog so, to receive an award is very generous of her. Her blog is a French fantasy with much Ooo la la, and also has beautiful photographs. It is tres jolie and a delight so, make a mental note to visit.
Then, the other day the same award was bestowed upon me by the lovely Lori at Wildflowers.
Lori was another one of the first blogs that I followed. She is another kind, generous, and loyal blogging friend and we have had so much fun over the last few months. Here is another gifted photographer (I seem to have met so many brilliant photographers) and she writes very well, too. Head over there. She will make you very welcome and you will make a great friend.

Now, I'm meant to tell you seven things about me you didn't know but, I did that a little while ago so, I won't bore you with that now. I will give out my seven awards. I just want to say that I will be giving out more awards later but, it took me long enough to do these so all the people who are thinking how horrible I am 'cos I didn't give you an award, be patient as there will be more coming. By the way,the recipients of these awards might want to shrink them for there sidebar !!!! Here are my first seven :
This one is to dear Lori. She knows why it's a cocktail and Lori, we are really going to be drinking them together one day. I know it.
This one is for my dear friend Luiza who so thoroughly deserves it. She puts so much into her posts, with the most beautiful and inspiring content. She's Swedish you know, so there's nothing more to say. Beautiful sums it up rather nicely.

Here's Maggie's. Constantly on the go, renovating and mending and changing things.... and she does it with expertise, as well.

Here's Maggie's. Constantly on the go, renovating and mending and changing things.... and she does it with expertise, as well.
Magdalena from Color Sepia is another wonderfully talented person. More fantastic photographs and beautifully made cards and gift tags and more........ and she is a lovely person.
One for Koralee.......... again ,talented, interesting kind and generous. Her blog is so pretty.........
.......... and last but certainly not least, an award for the talented Michelle. I already have a couple of her cushions, have won one and have ordered more !!!! That's how much I love her cushions. I'm so into the grain sack look.

So, there you have it. I have given seven awards and will be giving out some more soon. Thanks everyone for my awards and everyone who comes and visits me and takes the time to comment. I am amazed at the response that I get and thank you from the bottom of my heart.
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