This month's edition of Country Living Magazine has an interesting feature on Girl Scout memorabilia. I was a dedicated girl scout up until eighth grade when I decided to focus on sports instead. I remember loving the camping trips and all the other wonderful experiences the Girl Scouts had to offer. Even at a young age I was a type "A" personality, obsessed with earning every single badge. I fell short by four badges but held onto my sash for all these years. When I saw the article and the value of the badges - $5 to $10 a piece for common badges and $50 to $60 for rare skills - I was pleasantly surprised. Above is a picture of my sash, complete with pins and troop information. I am not sure what the pins, red rectangular patches and wings signify. If you know I would love to hear from you. Here is the back of my sash. As you can see I never finished sewing all the badges on, as the top three are just pinned in place. In the second row you can see a handmade bowling badge. Each troop had the opportunity to make their own badge and my troop choose bowling. It is funny to think that bowling must have been considered a life skill!
As a Girl Scout I also received patches (like the ones shown above) for various camping trips and special projects. I must have been quite the saleswoman as evidence by the "cookie queen" badge.
So what badges didn't I earn? Here they are:
I find it very ironic that two of the things I like doing best - running and cycling - are two of the badges I did not earn. If you would like to see more information about vintage Girl Scout collectibles, visit
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