Before I start, I would like you to know that you are lucky, or not so lucky, depending on whether you are interested or not, to have got this post !! I'll tell you why at the end.

The idea for a rowing race between the universities of Oxford and Cambridge came from two friends - Charles
Merivale, a student at Cambridge, and his old schoolfriend, Charles Wordsworth (nephew of the poet, William Wordsworth) who was at Oxford. On the 12
th of March, 1829, Cambridge sent a challenge to Oxford and thus the tradition was born, which has continued to the present day. This year's race was held last
Saturday 3rd April. We have always supported Cambridge, as we live very near to Cambridge and my brother-in-law studied there.

The Oxford crew are always in dark blue and the Cambridge crew are in light blue. Cambridge hadn't won for the last two years, but are winning overall.

The race passes many London landmarks, one lesser known one is the Harrods Furniture Depository. It was built in 1894 and was the former warehouse of
Harrod's Knightsbridge store. Today, it has been converted into 250 'posh' homes called '
Harrod's Village ', for the well-heeled.

Well, this year's race was very close but, Cambridge were victorious. They are now winning 80 to Oxford's 75. The race in 1877 was declared a dead heat.
Apparently, the judge, 'honest John Phelps' had fallen asleep under a tree, supposedly drunk, so the race was declared a tie !!

This year's victorious Cambridge crew.

This year's devastated Oxford crew......... and, it is devastating, as they give up everything to train for this race and, most of them never get the chance again.

Tradition dictates that the cox of the winning team is thrown into the River Thames !!
An estimated
quarter of a million people watched the race from the banks of the Thames with an overseas audience of 120 million, making it the most viewed single day sport in the world.

Right, now here is my post script. I have suffered the wrath of one of those slippery little devils called oysters. I love them but, over the weekend, one of them didn't like me, and I am writing this post in agony !!!!
I just wanted you all to know, mainly for a lot of sympathy, but also as an apology for not commenting much over the last few days.
I hope that you all had a better Easter weekend than I did,, and enjoyed yourselves.
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