Warning! This post may contain something you don't wont to read, if you have a weak stomach please stop reading and just skip to the link party. If you are REALLY curiouse what happend to me today, keep reading at your own risk...
I have been in a cleaning and organizing mood lately(again), this time it is sorting and organizing my piles and piles of fabrics. I have fabrics in the hobby room that my husband I share, I have fabrics in the laundry room too. Our air conditioning wasn't working very well, so the repair guy was going to come to take a look today. I had to move those fabrics along with the toy bins, so he could open the door to the furnace.
I thought I would take care of that in the morning, so when he comes, it would all be clean and he could get to it right away, it would save time for both of us.
So, I was moving stuff out, and vacuuming as I was moving the plastic drawers on wheels, I started to smell something bad. "oh...". I didn't want to move the last set of plastic drawers but I did. I had to... There was a dead mouse.
Our laundry room is not very big; so, with a vacuum cleaner in one hand, I jumped up in the air, arms flailing, slammed into the door and darted out of the laundry room. The kids stopped what they were doing and came to my rescue... no, they were really curious as to why a 30-something lady, who happened to be their mother was screaming and jumping around the kitchen.
"What happened mom?" Christopher asked,
"There is a dead mouse! Ahhh I hate it! What am I gonna do?!"
They looked at the source of my screams and said "oh, cool". Then went back to what they were doing. So cold. My husband was supposed to be my hero for times like this and come rescue me, but he was on the phone up stairs(job related), we were not to disturb him...
I stood there for a while (there was a good 6 feet or so from the mouse to me), hoping that it would magically disappear or one of my children (9 and under) would gladly do the dirty job for me, but none of these happened.
So, I got disposable gloves, got an empty cereal box and made a device to catch the mouse to throw it in the trash so I wouldn't have to touch it. Ok... this part is very gross. You can stop reading it if you want. The mouse was stuck to the floor; I almost gagged and was in tears as I was scraping it off the floor, with my eyes closed.
I used nearly half the spray bottle of Lysol to clean the floor after that.
Ogh! After everything was done and over, my husband came downstairs...
Anyways, I have been making lots of swaddle blankets lately. I used to buy flannels on sale thinking "oh cute, I will make a blanket for someone's baby shower". Then, never got around to it. Since I am trying not to buy so much fabrics this year and use whatever I have, finally making these blankets are a good thing. There are many ways to make baby blankets, but I am doing the self binding method. This is a very quick and easy way to make a baby blanket. Maybe I will post a tutorial in the near future.
Well, it is your turn to show us what you have been working on!
Here are the rules:
1. Please post something YOU made. It doesn't matter if it is crochet, quilt, clothing, anything would be fine. I want to see it! If you use someone's idea or patterns please give them the rightful credit.
2. Link to your specific post, that way it is easier for everybody to find and read it.
3. Please grab the "Tea Rose Home" grab button, and link back from your post. If you can mention the party in your post or place the button on your side bar, that would be great! I want more people to have a chance to come and show off their creation.

Thank you for visiting my link party, make sure to visit everyone and be inspired! :)
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