CSN Stores has over 200 online stores where you can find everything from coffee table to awesome cookware and home decor. I have been given an opportunity to review one of their products soon, and I am super excited! Keep coming back to see what I am going to review!
Meanwhile, go check out their store to see their thousands of items. There is something for everybody (some early Christmas shopping perhaps?).
I have been quite busy lately, and haven't done much sewing... except, I finished my quilt! For now, whenever an idea pops in my head I keep it in my idea book. They will eventually show up in one of my future posts, I promise! :)
Here are some pictures of my quilt.
The quilt is random and eclectic. What I love about this quilt is that it has cheerful colors and is homie. This will be perfect for the kids to snuggle up with and watch movies.
Well...I guess it is great on grass too. He is happy to try it out.

What's Coming Up Soon and My Finished Quilt
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