Greetings! I hope that everyone had the happiest of holidays - I can hardly believe we're into the New Year! As you can imagine, things have been busy around here. I did find a moment to take a quick photo of the kitchen shelves - which happens to be the only photograph I took of the house over the holidays!
The transfer ware used to belong to my Grandmother (Margaret's namesake). They have become part of our traditional holiday display.
All of the other photographs I've taken over the past several weeks have been of the babies (which I'm learning are not such easy subjects due to their wiggle worm factor). I started to learn this shortly after we brought the babies home from the hospital, when we took some photos of them in their Christmas stockings. We thought that one day they'd have fun seeing just how tiny they once were.

Here's sweet Graham. He was much more tolerant of our stocking photo shoot than Margaret. And this picture captures him perfectly. He has a calm temperament and loves to look at, the furniture, the art work hanging on the walls.
His favorite special something to look at is his sister, especially while she's sleeping in the crib beside him. Unfortunately, Margaret doesn't quite reciprocate his curiosity and in fact, we've had to explain to her several times (while waiting to nurse, or when she hears Graham crying), that she's a twin.

Our lovely Margaret is her father's daughter. They not only look alike but they have the same sweet demeanor. Another special something to know about Margaret is that she loves to snuggle. She is a snuggle bug and being one myself, I could sit all day long snuggling and cooing with her.
It's been a true wonder in getting to know them more and more with each day. But the awe of motherhood has also required room for a very regimented schedule of feedings and nappings. We're finally getting a handle on it, especially in regards to our lack of sleep, but the first few weeks have been a bit of an adjustment - to say the least.
Here are a few things we've learned as new parents:
- That our house is squeaky. From the high pitched hemming and hawing of our floorboards, to the symphony of squeals from every door and cabinet hinge - all of course located in one small hallway outside the nursery.
- That something called a 'changing table' can become the most valued piece of furniture in your home.
- That a shower is a luxury. Ditto for eating, brushing your teeth and wearing clean clothes.
- The value of learning the five S's.
- That if you don't change out of your pajamas when you first get up (for the last time), you may wear your pajamas all day.
- That white noise machines are not devices used solely outside doctor's offices.
- That diapers leak - a lot...especially for little boys.
- The importance of burping.
- That having your baby smile at you (no matter the gastrointestinal cause), brings you pure joy.
- That having children and becoming a parent is by far the most exhaustingly rewarding and fulfilling thing I have ever experienced...and that our babies are the most beautiful little miracles that I've ever laid eyes on.
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