How was your Mother's day? If you are the "Mother" or the daughter who did something for the special mom in your life, I hope you all had a very nice Mother's day.
My husband had it all planned out, and we celebrated Mother's day on Saturday. We actually did separate things in the morning to early afternoon. My husband took the boys and left. I spent time with Rachel. I had to run some errands, and after we came home, I was busy doing some laundry, and cleaning the house. Those things never end, I feel like if I stop moving for a second, the next set of housework is there and waiting for me.
My family took me out to eat so I didn't have to cook dinner (yea sushi!), and the kids gave me their handmade gifts. They were so sweet and special. I love the misspelled card my youngest gave me too. I could tell that each one of them put their time and effort in those gifts, and it almost made me cry. All the chaos, frustration and the worries comes from being a mother (of course with great joy, pleasure and love) seems so worth it in moments like this. I even forgot the dirty socks they left on the floor for a second. :)
My husband, he was also so excited about his gift he got me. Last week or so, he has been asking me if I found the gift he hid somewhere in the house, or he will ask me if I want a hint about the gift. I always said; "No, I haven't found anything" or "No, I don't want any hint", seriously, I didn't want to ruin the surprise!
Do you want to know what he got me...? It was the lens for the camera (AF-S Nikkor 35mm f/1.8G DX lens) that I wanted to buy! I saved up and bought my camera, and my next goal was to save up for that lens. That lens will supposedly help me to take closer pictures. I was speechless, and SO excited! No wonder he had a hard time shutting his mouth. He knew I would LOVE the gift. The fact that he listens to me and shows support for what I want to do, makes me feel so loved and special.
On the actual Mother's day, we visited my in-laws and had a nice visit. I made her a necklace, but I will share the picture some other time. :)
Ok, that was a long intro, but now it is time for the link love!
Parkers shared this tutorial on how to make Chocolate Covered Oreos. They look so fancy, but when I went through the tutorial on her blog, it looked doable! I have to give it a try, it will be perfect for girls’ night, showers, and any get together!
I love this hanging fabric doily shared by Erin from Lemon Tree Creation. There are many ways to make banners, mobiles and such; this is so beautiful and unique. I love how she combined the doily and fabric.
I couldn't resist picking this pair of baby shoes...look at how pretty they are! Grey Luster Girl did a great job of creating these shoes with a non-babyish color palette.
It is getting to the season to go to a park and have a picnic... Craft Buds shared a great project to make an all-in-one picnic blanket tote! Go to her blog to see how she did it, it will make a great gift too!
It is always so nice to see old furniture get new life! Our Daily Obsessions gave a fresh coat of paint to an outdated coffee table and made it look fabulous!
Great projects! Thank you everyone for linking to my party. Have a great week!

Link Love No. 52 ! / Mother's Day Celebration
8:03 PM |
link love No.52
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