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Happy Birthday Baby Girl

Happy 2nd Birthday to my baby girl, Matilda Jane!

I guess when you turn two, you're not really a baby anymore and I'd definitely say this little lady has graduated to toddler status in the last six months.  She's been a little slow growing in the hair department so she still kind of looks my baby.  But boy does she have some serious personality coming through.  She is a ray of sunshine every day and I can honestly say she is a joy to parent.

There are just a few things that I would like my sweet Matilda Jane to know about what she is like on her 2nd birthday:

1. You have some of the best expressions that make your family smile ear to ear.
2. One of your favorite phrases is "I do it!".
3. You love and adore your sister, Savannah Rose.
4. You give the best hugs.
5. You make people smile wherever you go.
6. You look adorable with your little pig tails.
7. Your favorite television show is Caillou and your favorite book is Look and See Sesame Street.
8. You sleep with your stuffed Elmo and lamb every night.
9. You love your binkie and your call it "B".
10. Whenever your sister says something, you say "Me too!"
11. You like to spin around and around until you are so dizzy you almost fall over.
12. You love playing baby dolls.
13. We call you "Missy Boo" - a name that your sister, Savannah, came up with and it has just stuck.
14. You are incredibly snuggly and loved to be cuddled on the couch.
15. You don't like bugs.
16. Your favorite foods are hot dogs, pretzels, macaroni and cheese, popcorn and all kinds of berries.
17. You like to dance and love showing your mama all your ballet moves.
18. You love your cat, Lily and are always looking for her.
19. You have the sweetest looking face after you wake up from your nap.
20. You light up a room and bring joy into our hearts.

So, again, happy birthday to my baby girl!  We are all looking forward to your "Tea for 2" birthday party tomorrow.  Thank you for being such a sweet, loving child - you are such a blessing to our lives!

We love you,
Mama, Daddy and Savannah Rose

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