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making choices and moving forward

Maybe it's just an age thing, but these days I feel the 
need for more peace and positivity around me.

I no longer wish to spend time with people who deliberately talk badly of others, who put people  down, who criticise uselessly.   Younger, I may have been disturbed by their comments, tried to change their opinion, curry their favour.  Today, I simply turn a page.  Take two steps back, turn around and walk away.  It is simple actually.

Let's spread some positive-ness .  It's fun to showcase others good points, to see them blossom under the spotlight.  It has nothing to do with religion or politics, all about feeling good and making others feel good too!

In the same way that we try to  find the best vantage point when taking a photo, we can also pinpoint the best way to approach a situation, or get to know someone.  Keep our eyes and minds open for the good bits, take no notice of the bad.

It is more enjoyable to move forward, build, learn and hopefully help to create some harmony and well being.  It is healthier  for the body and the mind.  The feel good factor is way greater.

One of the things I appreciate in this blogging world, is the kindness and generosity shown between bloggers.   Sometimes this is merely intelligent mutual promotion, but often it springs from a genuine joy at something shared, admiration for the talents of others.  And goodness knows there's tons of that floating around the blogosphere.

That's it for today; no decorating, no flowers, nothing French.  Just the need to think kind thoughts and to wish you all a loving and generous weekend!

Sorry I can't credit this picture, I found it on google.  Happy to correct if someone knows the source!

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