Remember Pinocchio? There is a Jiminy Cricket on your shoulder, giving the very best advice. It is you, your authentic self, the one your were in first grade, before you learned to massage your personality into a form that would suit others. Sometimes it's hard to hear its message because all the external voices are so loud, so shrill, so adamant. Voices that are loud are always meant to bully. Do not be bullied. Acts of bravery don't always take place on battlefields. They can take place in your heart, when you have the courage to honor your character, your intellect, you inclinations, and, yes, your soul by listening to its clean, clear voice of direction instead of following the muddled messages of a timid world. So carry your courage in an easily accessible place, the way you do your cell phone or your wallet. You may still falter or fail, but you will always know that you pushed hard and aimed high. -Ana Quindien via Good Housekeeping

Quiet Time
6:51 AM |
While this could be applied to different things, when I read it I immediately thought about faith and how hard it can be to have/show in this world. I found this to be a good reminder to stay focused on what is important, which is Him.
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