Thank you all for your comments on the "Untold Story of My Medical History part 1" Your kind comments energizes me and I feel so blessed to know that I have such supportive readers. Really, thank you! I want to make sure that you know this story happened several years ago. Because I share my procedure and such periodically in my post, I think some of you are thinking that the story is happening right now. The "Untold story of my medical history" is about few years after I came to U.S and got really ill, and found an amazing treatment to control my condition.
In the meantime, I had my procedure done on Thursday, and am recovering. I feel well enough to hit the keyboard today, and decided to tell you what happened after Dr. D's visit... (if you haven't read part 1, please read that post before you start reading this one).
After Dr. D left, I kept on crying. I felt confused and didn't know what exactly was happning with my body. Also, I felt so sad and powerless for what just happened and how I had been treated by the doctor.
The next thing I did was to called Mr. TRH, and wanted him to listen to what happened. "Hello?" the groggy voice answered... I totally woke him up. After I realized it was still very early in the morning, I felt bad, because he stayed with me at the hospital until really late the night before, he must be so tired... He said, "hey sweetie, what's up? Are you ok?".
That did it, a kind and familiar voice... I started crying again. I told him exactly what happened, he told me that he is going to jump in the shower and come right over.
Shortly after that, a young nurse came in to the room. She asked me, "what happened? The doctor seemed upset". She sat down on the chair by the side of my bed trying to comfort me. Between the crying and blowing my nose, I was able to tell her what happened minutes ago. She sighed and told me that it is not the first (or second) time that he acted that way. Thanks to her, I felt slightly better.
By the time Mr. TRH came in to the room to see if I was OK, I was still upset, but talking to the nurse and seeing Mr. TRH made me feel slightly better. After listening to me, he went to the nurses' station to get the phone number for Dr D's himself.
Here is what happened at the nurses' station, while I was lying on the hospital bed and waiting for Mr. TRH...(he told me afterwards)
He went to the nurse station, and the nurses knew he was upset, well...very upset. As soon as he asked for Dr. D, they call the Dr. D's office for him. Here are the conversations they had,
Mr. TRH, "Dr. D?"
Dr. D, "Yes, this is he."
Mr. TRH, "This is Mr. TRH. You just visited my wife a few minutes ago."
Dr. D, "Yes"
Mr. TRH, "I want to know what tests you ran to know that my wife was pregnant."
Dr. D, "Well, uh, I uh, didn't run any test."
Mr. TRH, "So then you did not know that she was pregnant. Did you not look at the chart?"
Dr. D, "I assumed because she said that you guys were trying."
Mr. TRH, "Oh, so you assumed. Is this how you go around making all of your diagnosis? You have people's lives in your hands, you don't have the luxury of shooting from the hip, that's how patients die."
Dr. D, "Well, I uh umm..."
Mr. TRH, cutting off the doctor in mid excuse, "We are getting a new doctor. Do not come by to see my wife again. You are fired!" (now that I think of it, he claimed the phrase "You are fired!" before Donald Trump).
Then Mr. TRH hung up the phone, thanked the nurses, who were giggling (apparently they didn't like Dr. D either) and returned to my room.
After he told me about the conversation with Dr. D, I was bit surprised, but well, not really. My husband and I are a lot alike, but we are very different in so many ways. His normal speaking voice is very loud, people always tell me I talk quietly. He doesn't mind being confrontational if he needs to be, I really don't like to be confrontational.
He is my constant guardian and I know he will do almost anything to protect me...
Side Note: Several years after the incident, we became friends with a couple. The wife and I were talking about our horrible experiences with doctors, and her story was somewhat similar to mine if not worse.
I asked her, "Oh my gosh...what was his name?"...
Yeah, you guess it right, it was Dr. D.
After he fired Dr. D, his partner Dr.T come to see me. He was different from Dr.D.
He was very talkative and friendly. The first impression of him was good, but the more I got to know him, my gut feeling kept telling me that we should switch to another doctor. I have been in and out of the hospital as long as I can remember. I have met so many wonderful doctors over the years, but also, the total opposite too.
After a few weeks of first meeting with Dr.T I found out that he will become one of the worst 5 doctors in my "career" as a patient.
Friendliness can be deceiving. I will tell you about him in Part 3...
To be continued...

Untold Story of My Medical History/ Part 2
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