It has been almost two weeks since the last procedure. Usually I am up and about around the house in 3-4 days and in a week or so I can handle the regular routine. Also the pain is something I can manage, not too bad.
This time it was a whole new experience. The formula the doctors used is different. With the new formula, the area that sclerosed will be permanent. My body may still form new veins, but I don't have to worry about old ones reopening. To me that is amazing news, and again, it is a testament for being hopeful paying off! Who knows, they might find a cure for me someday.
But you know what... this time the recovery is so much more painful and taking a LOT longer. The first three nights I couldn't sleep very well; I would just doze off and wake up with shocking pain. I have a bunch of DVD of Japanese TV shows I didn't have time to watch for a long time, so I just laid on the bed and watched them.
I just have to keep in mind that this treatment is permanent and take them one treatment at a time. It will be worth it right?
They found a bunch of areas that they can treat. So over the next several months, my life will be all about the procedure and recovery. Between those times, if I have some days that are good, I can use the time for my family and creating & blogging... you know, priorities.
I hope you guys will understand when you come back and my posts are little "blah".
Today, for the first time in 12 days I held the needle to start quilting the quilt above. I used a charm pack a got at the bloggers meet up in May to make this quilt. I pieced the top and basted it before the procedure, I am so glad that I have something to work on right now! Ah....I love it.
I love quilting by hand, and especially at times like this, it is so therapeutic. I am so grateful that I found something I LOVE at an early age.
Big thanks to family and friends for your lovely notes, meals and helping hands. I deeply appreciate you. Although I am enjoying the quilting, watching TV and reading books, this is the type of vacation with pain, so I don't think you should envy me. :)
This is my latest, but don't worry I am doing ok. I am keeping my wit and humor, and my spirit is high. Love you all, and I hope you are enjoying the Christmas season! Talk to you soon. :)

Sachiko Lately
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