- I’m typing this while my kids eat breakfast, so I can eat breakfast after they leave the table. I prefer to eat in peace!
- We did NOT get an offer on our house after showing it for the 3rd time Monday night.
- I’m miffed at these people who came and ate my cinnamon rolls and then didn’t have the courtesy to say, “You know, we changed our mind.”
- So we’re staying here. That means I have a nearly uncontrollable urge to buy new furniture.
- Or renovate my laundry room. Which shall it be?
- We had six people come down with Strep throat in the last two weeks. Then I got it again. Sometimes life isn’t fair!
- My favorite vintage-y consignment store closed in December. I am still in mourning.
- I have a masters degree in Chemical Engineering. There are days when I think, “For this I went to college??”
- But I wouldn’t trade being a wife and a mother for anything!
- One of my dreams is to have fresh flowers in my house all the time. Normally I’m too
cheapfrugal to buy them, though. - I stole my husband away from the girl he was on a date with. But then, he stole me from the guy I was on a date with. Worked out well, don’t you think??
- My last two babies were born at home. Yes, I am one of those women.
- Frosted Mini Wheats is my breakfast cereal of choice.
- I didn’t plant my garden last year. Still feel guilty over that one.
- I think I want to buy my husband a smoker for his birthday. Because I want one.
- I don’t drink soda pop. Not because I think it’s bad for you (although I do), but because I can’t stand carbonation!
- I really want to build furniture. But I’m scared to try.
- I love to get mail. I think it’s a leftover from my pre-e-mail college days.
- I think fuzzy socks are one of the greatest inventions ever.
- Right along with electric mattress pads!
- Three years ago I was in a car accident that shattered my right wrist. I am grateful for the use of my hand every day.
- My favorite people in the world are my brothers and sisters. I hope that will be true for my kids when they grow up!
- I want to travel someday. But I’d prefer if someone else did all the planning for me.
- I’ve lived outside of Montana for longer than I lived in Montana now, but it will always be home to me.
- I think “capable” is a beautiful word. I hope people think I am.

25 Things
7:46 AM |
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