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a girlfriend's home - so french and feminine

A little way along our valley, is the home of a good friend.  I love her house and the way she decorates.  It is simple, country style, and most of all just so feminine.

She kindly gave me permission to show you around, I hope you enjoy these shots taken in her home and garden.

I just love her soft and comfortable colour scheme.   Her sense of space and proportion, and of course her sure eye for placing brocante pieces.

Even her cat blends in well!

The kitchen has two large windows let into the roof and is bathed in a soft and beautlful light.  It is a welcoming, and comfortable room.  The tall bar table, with its zinc top was custom made by a local carpenter.  I love her choice of bar stools in this picture; their transparent seats add a contemporary edge to the design of the room.

There is a wonderful continuity of colour through the ground floor, soft neutrals with touches of pink, pale yellow and green.

Outside the colour scheme is continued on the doors and windows.  The garden is carefully planted to echo the house.

One of the delightful features in the garden is the river running through.  Just a small stream really, but enough to add a visual interest and to enjoy from a well positioned chair and table.

I love visiting here, I love the soft and friendly atmosphere, I hope you get a feel for that through these pictures.

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