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Guess Where I am Going

So...when I wrote about vitality wins, I mentioned that I have a reason that I want to look good. Do some of you remember that?

Actually, there is something I have been keeping from you... That is...

I am going to Japan!!

I talked about wanting to go back to see my family a lot, but I really didn't have any plans. I haven't been back for 11 years, yeah, 11! Can you believe it? There were always reasons not to go in those 11 years, three pregnancies, it's so hard to go back with babies, loss of jobs, bought a house, hip replacement, other procedures, blah, blah, blah... And the year we were going to go back as a whole family, there was a terrible earthquake and tsunami; so we decided not to go.

I had been checking plane tickets since this summer, and a few weeks ago, I noticed that the price had dropped by quite bit. After Mr. TRH and I talked, he was able to make arrangements with work so he can take care of the kids, I am taking a break from the medical procedures (thanks in part to the slowness of our medical insurance); seems like everything worked out for me to go!

It is not life or death, but my mom's health has been a roller coaster ride, and I really wanted to go there and spend time with her.

The timing was just perfect, two days after I bought the tickets; I received a letter from my mom. Basically, it said how much she misses me and wants to see me. After I read the letter, I called and told her that I am coming, and at first her reaction was rather..."flat". I asked her, "Mom? Aren't you excited?" and she said, "I, I still can't believe it."

Later my sister told me that my mom called her to confirm that I am indeed, coming for real. :)

After my mom spread the new that I am coming home to a few of my friends, they called me with excitement and we talked for a long time! They also told me that how it looks so different where we used to hang out and drive around. Even though I saw the image of the area after the earthquake on the internet or TV, I am a little nervous to see it with my own eyes.

Because I want to travel light, I decided not to take my big camera. I am gonna take my small Coolpix and take lots and lots of pictures while I am there. People that I missed, things that I missed... I mean, I thought they will always be there and I took for granted. I want to document them for me and to share with my family. Of course I will take some pictures of new things that touch my heart too.

I will only be there for two weeks. It will be the shortest two weeks that I spend time with my family in Japan. It will be the longest two weeks away from Mr. TRH and our three munchkins.

A few days ago, there was a Mag 5 earthquake in Japan, and also, there was Mag 7 earthquake in the Philippines (because of that, there was a tsunami warning in Japan). Seriously, why now? Please pray for me that I can come home safely to my family.

I will share the pictures and stories from my trip to Japan when I get back. Oh! While I am gone, my blogger friends are visiting Tea Rose Home to share their fabulous tutorials with you. So please make them feel welcomed. I know I can count on you. :)

So, I will talk to you in two weeks, take care everyone!

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