My sister is very talented at making stitched bead jewelries. Several years ago, she took a course to become an instructor, passed the test, and got licensed. She taught some classes and accepts special orders here and there.
It was so fun to see her creations, and she let me pick out some to keep. Isn't she so nice?
Here are some pictures of them...
I love those cute jars. They will look pretty on the windowsill.

I fell in love with this pearl bracelet. It is so soft to the touch and when I tried it on, it was the perfect size for me.

Usually she and I have different taste in things, but sometimes, we like the same things.
I love how she combined the colors on this bracelet; it is fun for me to imagine which outfits I can wear it with.

This beauty is made with bluish gray beads. Blue is one of my favorite colors, I couldn't resist having it.

Wow, don't you think this is such a unique piece? I love how she combined the colors and sizes of the parts. I kept looking at it and never got tired of it. This is one of the very favorites of mine.

I fell in love with this choker. My sister told me that there are several ways to wear this. The funny thing is, she enjoys and LOVEs creating these things but she never wears them. She is a minimalist, once she satisfies her desire to create, she doesn't have an attachment to the jewelries. Well, keep sending them my way sis!

She also started making some stitched beads art to flame it and hang on the wall. I love the one she was working on while I was there. I can't wait to see the finished item!

I was so happy to know that she is keeping her creativity alive, even though the day to day life is so busy and can get chaotic sometimes. While she was talking about her beads work, she was the same girl I knew from when we were a lot younger.
I was inspired by my sister to enjoy whatever I do and keep creating at my own pace. I will enjoy her handmade jewelries with the memories I spent with my sister for years to come.
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