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brocante hunting in Nice

I know, I know that I said this was family time, but I've had a little time to spare and  two brocante opportunities just jumped up at me, plus I had to find a gift so here are a few shots of finding brocante in Nice. Not quite as much fun as Normandy but still enjoyable.

If you are in Nice this summer, my recommendations for finding brocante are each afternoon  in the Puces de Nice,  a sort of tiny flea market on the Port, and every Monday morning on the Cours Saleya - worth while getting there early!

Luckily Ghetto was around, helping me choose ....

And what did I choose as the gift?  ....  these beautiful barbotine plates, 100 years old, made by Sarreguemines.

Thank you for reading me, tomorrow I'll be home and back in the swing of things!

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