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Exciting Photo Shoot News!!!

Today I am happy to share some exciting news! I just received confirmation that my new family room built-ins will be included in Storage Magazine, a Better Homes and Garden’s special interest publication.

The photo shoot will be produced by Donna Talley, Regional Editor and Producer for Meredith publications and photographed by John Bessler. I am so thrilled to be hosting both of them in my home. You may remember they were the creative team behind my basement remodeling story which appeared in Better Homes and Gardens a few years ago.

Better Homes and Gardens / Donna Talley - Regional Producer and Editor for Meredith Publications
Photographer - John Bessler

And to add a cherry to the top – Donna and John will also be using my house as a location back drop for a story Donna is creating for Flea Market Storage Magazine.

Better Homes and Gardens / Donna Talley - Regional Producer and Editor for Meredith Publications
Photographer - John Bessler

Needless to say I am giddy! The shoots will take place at the end of March, but at this point I am unsure as to when they will appear in print. I will be sure to keep you updated with a few sneak peeks.

Thanks for sharing in my excitement!

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