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March 2012 Giveaway Day

Our March Giveaway Day is finally here!  This is something new we are trying here at The Cottage Home blog.  We've got some wonderful prizes from our lovely blog sponsors.  I think you are going to be very happy!

Here's how this is going to work:  I am listing all of the prizes that are available today.  I have included a link underneath each prize that you can click on to enter each individual giveaway.  Do not comment on this post to enter to win.  You must click on the links below the prizes and enter each one separately.  

I thought about doing this as one giant prize, but I realize that not everyone is interested in every prize.  Also, this way we will have lots of winners, which means lots of happy people!  We'll try it this way for now and if I need to make some adjustments next time, I will.

So, what can you win today?  Check it out........

Modern Fabric Studio
Giveaway: $30.00 Gift Certificate
(Click HERE to enter)

The Hook Up
Giveaway: $20.00 Gift Certificate
(Click HERE to enter)

Birdsong Bows
Giveaway: 5 e-book patterns
(Click HERE to enter)

Heartsong Quilts
Giveaway: 'Primitive Modern' by Marcia Derse Fabric Bundle
(Click HERE to enter)

Fat Quarter Shop
Giveaway: 'Tweet' Fat Quarter Bundle
(Click HERE to enter)

Canton Village Quilt Works
Giveaway: 10 Fat Quarters of 'Modernology' by Art Gallery Fabrics
(Click HERE to enter)

Many of these sponsors are also offering exclusive discounts between 10% and 15% off your entire purchase as well as free shipping.  Click to enter their giveaways to obtain the exclusive promo codes that they are offering for The Cottage Home blog readers.

Again, please click on the individual links below each prize to enter to win that specific item.  You can enter one or all of the giveaways.  Good luck and thanks to all my wonderful sponsors for giving away such generous prizes!  

Happy Giveaway Day!

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