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the valley through the seasons

Driving home this week, I pulled off the road as we reached the valley and got out my camera.  I sensed a little bristling of impatience in the car  "Mummy, why do you need another picture of that view, you've got loads already?!"     He was right of course ... my son, cutting down to the essential in life.  Shame that my essential and his essential don't always coincide ....

So -  angel that he is -   he bore with me for a whole 45 seconds while I clicked away, happy and then we were back en route, relieved, content and in the throws of a discussion about when is a picture not just a picture, and what is a good picture anyway!!

I'm sure he got out the car thinking, "that's it, she's  lost it!" ...  but that doesn't matter.

So what was the view that couldn't wait?  This little road that winds its way down to our village, my eye is always drawn to the solitary tree and the soft colours that change so beautifully through the season.

See what you think ....

No matter what my children say,  I'll still take the pictures and I still enjoy those short moments in the day when I stop dead in my tracks and say Yes!

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