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Vintage Pillow Case Quilt Finished

Several posts ago, I shared my vintage pillow cases quilt project in process. I don't know about you, but it is such a big deal for me to decide what to do next each step whenever I create something. Especially in quilt making, a quilt top can look totally different than what I first intended depending on what kind of quilting I do on the quilt. It is not unusual for me to complete a quilt top and not be able to finish it for several months (sometimes years!) because I have a hard time deciding how I want to finish it.

I already shared the process of cutting and piecing...

Are you ready to see how I finished this one? Ta da!

I thought about applying my newly developing (I can't say "developed" yet, it is in progress though) machine quilting skills on this quilt, but I couldn't help going back to the idea of doing hand quilting with large stitches.

I actually made another quilt top using the same blocks that I used for this quilt with some other fabric, but those two quilts look different so far. I can't wait to share the finished quilt with you...well, someday. :)

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