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french garden fairs

Despite the grey skies over Normandy at the moment, it is the season for planting up the garden and enjoying the wonderful garden fairs organised all over France at this time of year.

This weekend we'll be visiting this beautiful 12th century château at La Roche Guyon for their annual Foire aux Plantes.

Local nurseries will bring along their best plants to show and to sell.  This  is an opportunity to find a special rosebush, or to discover new varieties of hydrangea, or choose hybrids of tomatoes for the potager.

So here's hoping that the rain will stay away and the sight of so much colour will finally persuade the Spring to do its stuff!

I hope you have something good planned for the weekend too
Thank you for reading me this week

PS.  I continue to have problems with the blogroll.  I have started a new list, but very often blogs that I list show for a while then disappear.  Please forgive me if your blog is not showing, I am working on it!

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