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Saturday Shopping: Flea-o-logy

I have to share what we did on Saturday--we drove 85 miles to Payson, Utah, for the Flea-o-logy Flea Market!  I had three kids that wanted to come (three stayed home with daddy), so we made a day of it.  We went from a flea market to IKEA to Pottery Barn to Restoration Hardware—we really covered the whole spectrum!

ANYway, I didn’t remember to take along my camera, so imagine my surprise when the Flea-o-logy blog included this picture:

The three chicklets looking at the metal toilet plunger (what IS that thing?) are mine, and so is lovely pink…back.  Winking smile

Then I also noticed we made an appearance on the Pollyanna Reinvents blog (she’s one of the creators of Flea-o-logy):

I hate to admit it, but I didn’t buy…much. I am *terrible* at making snap decisions, so I tend to make no decisions at all! The things I thought I couldn’t live without—were always in other people’s arms!

I adore just “looking” though, whether or not I buy anything.

How about you?  Are you a flea market fan?

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