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Today's Catch and Things That Got Away

Believe it or not, I have been working on multiple projects at the same time.  I just can't or won't share them right now... please sit tight and wait for fun posts that are coming in the near future.

Meanwhile, let me share a slice of my day with you.

I had to get up extra early today to take child 2 to the orthodontist by 7:30, yes, 7:30!!  It was early, but that way he wouldn’t miss his field trip, after the appointment I took him to school, did some grocery shopping for the dinner that we are having, oh and we had some guests over.

I went home, did some cleaning and prep for dinner, I also found some time to work on a project I am not sharing yet (don't call me mean, call me a tease :) ).  Since today was early out I left home to pick them up before11:00. Then I realized I have a little time to kill, so I decided to just "peek" in a thrift shop.

Do you wanna see what I found?

I can't wait to make a liner for this basket, and accessorize it.  Isn't is such a pretty basket?  Things like this is very hard to come by.

A children's book.  Actually I have been collecting this series and I found the one I haven't bought yet for 1.99! (Originally it is $16.99).  It is in such great condition with the cover. I can't wait to read it to my kids tonight!

Then this linen window treatment... It was love at first sight.  It is very well kept; crisp linen with beautiful crochet trim work.  I thought I would have to go to an antique swap meet in Europe to find something like this.  What a lucky day!!  Except, I was so wishing to find 2 or 3 of the same one to make a skirt from it.  Oh, well, I guess I should be happy that I found this one.

It was time to go, so I was the third person standing at the checkout line. I was checking my watch, looking around and THEN, I saw this lady, who was just a head of me at the checkout that had the exact same linen.  Not just one or two but she had three!!!  What?!  Ugh!  I should have left home 10 minute earlier.

I was hopelessly looking at them but SO hoping that she would change her mind in the last second.
Please, oh please just say;  "I changed my mind, I don't need them.".

No, she didn't.  I don't know why, but I kind of shoved the one I had in the basket I was going to buy, so she wouldn’t see it.  It's not like she can say "give me yours, since I am already buying  three of them, that is mine too."  Silly.

Ah, shopping at a thrift store is an art.  You never know what you will find, and when.  It is totally unpredictable... But I think that is a part of the fun.  That is why I will keep going back for more. :)

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