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Canvascorp Projects

It is less than a week till evo, since this is my first time attending, I am not really sure what to expect, but I am really looking forward to it. One thing I know though...I think I am going to have awesome roommates! Not only one or two, it will going to be 7 of us. I have actually met in person only one person from the group, but I have great feeling that it is going to be so fun to get to know them.

One of the girl Jennie from Craft O Maniac has Canvascorp as one of her sponsor, and they sent all her roommates such a fun package, check out these awesome goodies...

It's not my birthday or Christmas, but it's such a thrill to open up a package to find out what's in it. Canvascorp has such a fun products, my mind started racing right away to decide what to do with them!(with sqeel, of course). :)

Are you curious to see what I made so far?

First, I made headbands using the canvas flowers. The all turned out nicely, but my favorite is the top one. I just made fabric flower from my stash, and added a silver button. Rachel wore it several times, and it goes well with many different outfits.

Then, I moved on to the canvas bag...well, instead of decorate it to use it as a bag, I had cut off the handle...

Stamped canvas fringe...

and used canvas minis, fabric glue(by the way, I LOVE this glue!! I used this for my shoes refashion too), glimmer mist and such and made a decortive pillow!

The last picture is for those of you who are wonderfing what I did with the handle I cut off from the bag...

I made a belt. I simply added lace to the handle, big sew-on snap and canvas flower.

I am thinking to use canvas mini's to make vanner for Thanksgiving, but since I have other projcets lined up, it has to wait for a bit. I will share the pictures when I am done though. :)

My big thanks for the Canvascorp for the faburous package, I had so much fun!

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