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dogs and more dogs and horses on sick leave

Have you noticed how sometimes life is going along swimmingly, at a good steady rhythm, without too many hitches or surprises, until one incy wincy detail throws it all haywire.

That's what happened this morning, to my regular, and very civilised Wednesday morning walk.

Come winter, come summer, rain or shine, I walk in the forest each Wednesday morning with my good and patient friend J, and her lovely black lab Rupert.  We stride through the forest at reasonably high speed, chatting and laughing, not noticing the time go by - only pausing now and again to yell after a dog (invariably mine!) gone AWOL.

These walks are one of the small and simple highlights of my week.

This morning, of course, we had young Ghetto in tow, and then another good friend turned up with a certain Elliott.

Et nous voilà avec 4 chiens!!!  
Suddenly we had 4 dogs!

Where shall I start?!

It was  a mess!

Ghetto, by way the smallest, could think of nothing else than getting on top of Elliott (I swear that pup will have certain small parts of him missing by the end of the summer!)

Gibson kept running away, and poor Elliott was rather traumatised by Ghetto's amorous intentions and wouldn't get out from under our feet.

Thank goodness that Rupert was there to raise the tone of the whole event.

Even Iris was amazed to see us walk past the field with so many dogs in tow!

Which reminds me: Quick had a visit from the vet yesterday and it is ALL GOOD NEWS!!  The bone is mending beautifully, the swelling is well reduced and we'll be starting some gentle walking on a lead rein before the end of the  month!  YAY!

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