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my favourite french blogs

bord de scene

 bonjour mes amis!

A little international blog love today as I highlight some of the French blogs I love to visit.  Not the blogs written by people like me who simply live in France or who just love all things French.

 No today I bring you a bouquet of French blogs, written in France by French men and women - Made In France for real.

esprit boheme

Each of these beautiful blogs shows great pictures, and creativity.  They enjoy food, homes, and the beauty around them.  

 A couple of these girls like Mo by Maurice live close by here and I know them personally, in fact many of you who have come to visit me will remember Christelle of Bord De Scene.  Esprit Bohème is not so far from here.  Others are farther south like Manon 21 and Esprit Champêtre and of course Un Coeur en Provence who edits the E-Mag Deco that you may already be famililar with .  The one boy who writes the very poetic blog Gris-Bleu,  is based in Paris.

Each and every one deserves a visit and a big


esprit champêtre


manon 21

mô by maurice

un cœur en provence

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