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The Workshop, part 2

If you missed part 1, you can find it here.

After the plywood was on the roof, we concentrated on placing electrical boxes (all four-feet high for easy access)….

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…light boxes (two inside; three outside)…

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…and putting up more siding.

We used Hardi-ply siding, which is monstrously heavy and smells like fireworks when you cut it. Just thought you’d like to know.

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We weren’t quite done with the roof, either.  The building inspector said we had to put hurricane clips on each truss (yes, I know Utah is not exactly riddled with hurricanes).  Each hurricane clip takes 10-nails, all hand-driven.  I think Ian did 12 in the time it took me to do six.  I told him I hoped he appreciated the minutes of time I saved him!

Plus we put “collar ties” across the roof as well (those are the horizontal boards you see just below the peak).  Let the wind blow!  Just kidding, Mother Nature.

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Then there was insulation, and sheetrock—sheetrocking the ceiling was a nightmare—and here I am providing the important function of holding the sheetrock up

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Ooh, look!  It’s starting to look like a real building!

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More to come!

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