............. if only I'd worn my bottle opener shoes , I could have had a quick slurp.... purely for medicinal reasons !!!!

....... GEORGE GIVES ME THE OSCAR ........
" Thank you so much George " ( Air kiss George's cheeks both sides a la Francais stylee )......
.........." I would like to thank ( sob sob ) my husband and children for supporting me and( sob sob ) to be in the company of such talented people who were up for this award, is so amazing
( sob sob sob )" .......................
( sob sob sob )" .......................
Jackie wakes up................ Oh, it was all a dream, but when Jackie looks at her favourite blogs , she finds that one of her favourite blogging compatriots, Julie at Being Ruby , has given her a Blog Award !!!! Julies posts are some of the funniest and most enjoyable to read in blogland and she is one great blogger. Her photographs are inspiring and beautiful. Thank you so much , Julie , for my award, and for being a great, supportive friend.
Now, because I have been given an award , it falls upon me to bestow awards on others, so here goes :
Now, because I have been given an award , it falls upon me to bestow awards on others, so here goes :

SIMONE at thebottomoftheironingbasket
JANET at frenchblue
MILLIE at thelaurelhedge
CAROLE at maynardgreenhouse
LAURA at 52flea
ALICIA at delightfulanddelovelyDEB at dumbwittellher
and last but definitely not least
MELISSA at reverie
Thanks so much, all of you for being so supportive through my blogging journey. I feel as if I have made so many new friends and look forward to reading all of your posts in the future. There are quite a few more of you that I would like to have given an award to, but I think that I have probably gone way over my quota of how many I'm meant to give awards to , but , I think that you all know who you are and I want to thank you all for your comments and hope you will continue to come over to HOME and visit often.( even though you didn't get an award !!!! )
......and finally....

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