Many of you lovely friends out there are aficionados of the ' all white look ' as , indeed , I am, although, I tend to favour a slightly ( only very slightly ) creamier look. After looking at these pictures , I am thinking of redoing everything in my bedrooms !!!! My husband has gone off to work now and has no idea what 's in store for him on his return !!!!
This is actually a bedspread , so I have included it ( and it's such a lovely picture !! )

I have these pillow cases . I love white bedlinen and have it on all of my beds ,apart from ours which is white but we have a beige linen duvet cover.

Little bit of Homer Simpson salivating here !!!
Even more Homer action !!

I have used this picture before but , when it comes to white bedrooms, you can't beat this one.

O.K , this isn't a bedroom, as you clever people out there have probably worked out but, it's my husbands birthday today so, Happy Birthday Chris. he does like a slice of cake.......we are off to our son and daughter-in-laws this evening as, they are cooking dinner......Yippee.
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