last night i was going through some of my old magazines for inpspiration and i ended up coming to an old domino magazine. (by the way, i'm so sad that domino folded this year. it was my absolute favorite magazine. they always had the most beautiful photographs of homes. it's only been a few months since they quit distributing it and i'm missing it already.) i came to an old issue from 2007 and had forgotten that this issue has one of my favorite pieces of art. i thought i'd share it with you. it's from textile art and it's called iso satakieli kit. one of the reasons i love it so much is that it's such a statement piece but it has a very inexpensive pricetag. only $100 and it's 42" x 54". you get so much for your money.
domino, november 2007 issue

iso satakieli
textile art also has lots of other cool pieces of art. some pieces are ready made and some you buy as a kit and then you put it together. i'm sure you could also take it to your local art shop to have it put together if you don't feel confident enought to do it yourself. they also sell fabric by the yard. here are a few of my favorite stretched fabric art pieces.

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