I've been tagged by Lori at Wildflowers to do the following:
1. Open the 4th file where I store my pictures.
2. Pick out the 4th photo and publish it to my blog.
3. Explain a bit about it.
4. Pass challenge on to 4 other blogs.
Well....here it is in all it's glory..... and isn't it a coincidence that it's happens to be a photograph of a flower and it was Lori from Wildflowers who tagged me ?
A photograph that I took of my Oak leafed Hydrangea.......' hydrangea quereifola 'flemygea' SNOWQUEEN !!!!!! How about that then......even the Latin name, although there are probably some experts out there that will tell me I'm wrong but, I think that's it's name !!!!! Apologies if it's wrong, but I know that the oak leafed part is right.
We put this in our garden about 10years ago. We found this wonderful Hosta Nursery (long gone now, unfortunately) when we were taking our son to his University. We stopped on the way back and bought loads of Hostas, which are still prolific and MASSIVE in our garden. We did buy so many, that I gave my friends some, and they are all thriving and look magnificent. What a shame that Nursery isn't there anymore, as I certainly think that they knew a lot about Hostas (and Hydrangeas). Looking around, I came across this little Hydrangea and bought it. Well, I think that it is my favourite plant in the garden. It is covered in these beautiful white flowers that (at this moment) turn to palest pink and then green. Every year, I think that I will cut some and dry them off, but I can't bring myself to do it , so magnificent are they, in the garden. Also, my son got married last October and my daughter-in-law had hydrangeas in her bouquet so this hydrangea always reminds me of that special day.
Right, well my next job is to pass the baton onto 4 other blogs so here goes:
1. Green and Pretty
2. Life with Lia
3. Being Ruby
4. Dumbwit tellher
O.K......my job is done, mission accomplished. Thanks to Lori, for tagging me and because of which, brought back a few old memories.

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