I'm feeling a little bit full and bloated at the moment and I think that I'm in need of ..........

.......... some of this ..........

.......... and a touch of this, 'cos I've had too much of ..........

.......... THIS !!!!! ..........

.......... AND THIS !!!!! ..........

.......... AND THIS !!!!! ..........

and rather too many of these, nice as they were, so I'm in need of some of ........

.......... THIS ..........

..........AND THIS although,

we will be counting down the minutes to midnight tomorrow and there will be ..........

.......... Fireworks and , OH NO ..........

.......... more of THIS !!!!! Detox will have to wait a few more days !!!!!

Wishing all of my blogging pals everything that you wish yourselves and your families for 2010.
Many thanks for all of your wonderful comments and your support and I look forward to reading and commenting on your posts in the coming year.
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