I'm not sure if it's the egg nog, the hot apple cider or the warm fire but I've been on vacation mode and it feels quite good.
Here's what we've been up to...first, this is Hubby reading, "The Joy of Cooking" in hopes to discover a fabulous new Christmas Eve recipe. See those 'crumbs' on his pocket? Well, they're not from Christmas cookies, those are tree crumbs from splitting and hauling in so much wood for our fires.
We also went cross country skiing up around Mt. Hood. It was a beautiful blue bird day. Note: Lucy is still smiling!
And there's been lots and lots of cozy time in the house....with lots of accompanying warm beverages...like hot cocoa.
Green tea.
And hot apple cider - something I've consumed a lot of this past week.
There's also been a lot of Backgammon (shhhh, I'm on a winning streak).

The new furniture is proving to be very comfortable and conducive to lazy day snuggling.
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