We decided to rearrange the living room for the summer. To keep things fresh we moved the two chairs in front of the windows, and have the couch facing them. We have a beautiful view of Mt. Adams over in Washington state (we're in Oregon), so we're focusing on that view through the clear skies of summer instead of on the fireplace, which we probably won't use much.

The peonies are still smiling. This Japanese variety doesn't seem to last as long as the classic Sara Bernhardt styles. But I love them just the same. They are so unique and large that their limited life span is all the more cherished.

We still need to order a larger sea grass rug for this room. The sea grass above is meant to go in the dining room which is several feet shorter (in both directions) than the one we'll eventually place here. But we're trying to space out our home expenses so the rug purchase is on hold for now.

I'd also like to get a delicate table to put between the two chairs. I have several antique side tables (all dark wood) but I'd like to lighten it up a bit with something made of glass perhaps...with gold metal legs. Something bright and light.
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