- Recipes Button - Now if you click on the Recipes button in the main navigation bar across the top of the blog, you will now be linked to a page that displays pictures of ALL The Cottage Home recipes. Click on the picture and that will link you to the actual recipe.
- I thought doing this would make navigating through the recipes a bit easier. Also, I am a very visual person, so this will help me too!
- Want to check out the new Recipes Page? Click here.
- Tutorials Button - Now if you click on the Tutorials button in the main navigation bar across the top of the blog, you will be linked to a page that displays pictures of all my Craft and Sewing tutorials. Click on the picture and that will link you to the actual tutorial.
- Again, I hope this makes it easier for you to find any tutorials that you may have seen in the past, but still had yet to try.
- Want to check out the new Tutorials Page? Click here.
- Social Networking Buttons - The social networking buttons (RSS Feed Subscription, Email Contact, Facebook, Twitter, and Flikr) are now located in the right side-bar right, below the email subscription button. If you are interested in keeping up with The Cottage Mama on any of these sites all you have to do is click on one of these many buttons.
Here are the Social Networking Buttons:

I'm working really hard to make it as simple as possible for you to find your way around The Cottage Home. I hope you like these new improvements!
Cottage Mama's Notes: Don't worry, I'm on to putting up some sewing/craft tutorials and recipes.......we will soon be back to our regularly scheduled program!
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