First of all, many apologies for being AWOL for so long and not commenting on any blogs for a fortnight !! I have been rather busy with this and that !

After tearing, writing on and folding said pieces of paper, and mopping up blood from various paper cuts, they were placed in my birdcage, shuffled about a bit and I can now tell you that the winner is ..............................

I'm afraid that I won't be around for a few days.....AGAIN !! I'm off to stay with my sister in Horsham in Sussex. Mr. Home and my bother-in-law are going to Le Man's, as they do every year, and I stay with my sister and we eat and drink and generally enjoy the good life, until they come back !!!!
Wishing all of my American blogging buddies a very happy 4th of July.
.......... and, before I go, thanks to each and everyone of you for entering my giveaway and to all of the new followers. It's lovely to have made lots of new friends.I think that I'll have to do giveaways more often !!
Have a lovely week everyone .......... I know I will !!

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