I love wicker and I love wood. Either together or separate. I have always been drawn to their warmth. My trip into the big city (Portland, Oregon) last week allowed me to indulge in these affections, as I found a couple of new antique wicker and wood pieces that I adore.
The piece shown above is what I would call art. To me, it's no different than a painting on the wall as it represents a unique expression of creativity and fine craftsmanship. I fell in love with this piece when I saw it, with its beautiful bobbin turned spindles, legs and arms, and pristine rush seat.
It's actually two pieces...called corner chairs. But according to the antique dealer, the chairs were often kept together and used as a bench. I'll keep them together as well.
Since I get a lot of inquiries about pricing of antiques, I will start listing what I've paid for the antiques I buy. This piece was originally priced at $130 for the pair and it was 50% off - so I paid $65. As I said to Hubby, 'that's a great deal.'

I also happened across this antique wicker trunk. I've always loved the look of trunks like these. This one is in pristine condition, so I knew I couldn't pass it up at $40. I love that it's on old, squeaky wheels.

Even the handles are still intact.
The top is in great condition too. By the way...this happens to be the first piece of furniture I've purchased for our growing family.
We'll use it as a toy box. xoxo
The other item I found on my excursion into the big city was an antique French armoire...also for the nursery! We just brought it home over the weekend so it's in several pieces right now - photos will have to follow.
Hubby is still working hard on finishing the dining room (after work and on the weekends). He's hung the drywall and is in the process of finishing up the mud (which takes three coats with a twenty-four hour drying period in between).

As for me, I've been trying to stay off my feet. My ankles, calves and feet have started to swell significantly and the only way to keep the swelling down is to lie down with my feet up (which somehow makes my eyes close).
And as you can see, I'm growing! Everywhere! In fact, soon I will surpass dear six foot four tall Hubby on the scale - ouch.
I'm feeling quite well overall, suffering mostly from pure lack of motivation...hence the lack of posts last week. But I am getting really excited to decorate the nursery. I haven't been running around much the last several months so my trip into Portland last week was a big day for me.
I have a strong vision of what the nursery will look like (I've drawn it out on paper about a dozen times now). The armoire was the major, potentially most challenging, item to acquire so now that we've found that, the rest should come together quite easily.
I'm very excited to share my vision for the nursery with you - and will do so in the coming months!
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