Our cool rainy weekend prompted me to clip a bouquet of fall hydrangeas. I call them 'fall' hydrangeas because by this time of year their white and cream summer hues have aged into vibrant pink and fuscia.

Their color turns before the leaves of the deciduous trees, so they provide the first glimpse of the landscape bidding farewell to summer and embracing the crisp cool air of autumn.
This is the season in which I feel the least guilty making bouquets of hydrangeas for the house. All summer long I watch them grow and blossom, but can't seem to find the nerve to make bouquets without guilt. This time of year I know that they're winding down and may enjoy the comfort of a warm house.

I often tell Hubby to compose photos so that my face isn't in the picture. This is due to simple shyness (something I don't tolerate with Hubby obviously). As you can see, I'm in my usual country bumpkin attire...warm sweater, jeans and one of my last maternity shirts that still fits!
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