Hi everyone, before I start this week's link party, let me tell you what happened to me yesterday...
As usual, I picked up my boys, ran some errands, and was on the way home driving down the street. On Monday, the kids don't have any activities to go to, and it is our family night. I prepared a special Japanese dish for dinner; all I needed was to go home, help with their homework while I deep fried the main dish. There was a red light, and everyone was slowing down including myself and I was about to stop... then,
Our car was hit from behind.
For a second, I didn't know what had just happened, and then I realized that I got rear-ended. I was shaking, but my mind was racing thinking about what I am supposed to do. I looked in the rearview mirror; all my kids were shocked but seemed ok.
I called the police, and my husband. I was still shaky...Phew...ok, what's next.
At first my reaction to the accident was shock then to scared, after I made sure the kids were ok, the next emotion that came to me was anger. It was a brand new VAN we just bought!!!
I was ready to get out the car and talk to the driver who just hit me, oh... I was thinking he is going to get it.
I got out of the car, and I saw, a boy walking towards my direction. He seemed anywhere from 16 to 18 years old.
I could tell he was stressed and upset about what happened, and he said,
"I am so sorry..."
He was all apologetic and honest about it. He told me that he stepped on the brake but couldn't stop in time. After that he said sorry several times.
Right after his first "I am sorry" my attitude changed. I felt bad for him.
He will probably get in trouble for this and his insurance will go up too. (I feel for the parents).
Besides, someday my kids will start driving, and things like this might happen. How do I want people to treat my kids? Especially when no one is seriously hurt and the boy is feeling so bad about the whole thing. I believe in Karma. If he was my child I want people to treat him fairly.
I swallowed the words that filled my mouth (the ones that he was going to get; don't worry, no swear words were involved. I had my kids in the car too; I don't wanna scar them for life. They would talk about this time after time "the day my mommy lost it").
Eventually, the police came and we took care of the paper work. My husband came, the boy’s parents came. You know what? The boy’s parents were very nice people too.
His father came to us and apologized couple times after he saw the damage on our minivan and said "We will make this right; we will take care of this".
Wow... how nice is that? People would say, you shouldn't apologize after a car accident, because that is admitting that you are at fault. You might get sued for lots of money.
Not them. I felt like the "Sorry" was very sincere, and came from bottom of their hearts. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we are all that way?
It was unfortunate that the accident happened, but I felt like I witnessed something rare and beautiful that moment.
Side note: After the accident, we end up going to an emergency room, for my neck pain and headache. They did a CT-scan on me, and an x-ray on Michael which made him feel all important. Also, the kids were so excited about visiting the ER (we sometimes watch, "Untold Stories of the ER" they thought that it is so cool to be at the ER themselves) :)
Our family night was a lot more eventful than I planned. Before I went to bed, I was thinking how blessed we were. Everyone is ok, and we are able to go to bed under the same roof.
Ok, everyone, that was the end of the story. Show me what you got for this week’s link party!
1. Please post something YOU made. It doesn't matter if it is crochet, quilt, clothing, anything would be fine. I want to see it! If you use someone's idea or patterns please give them the rightful credit.
2. Link to your specific post, that way it is easier for everybody to find and read it.
3. Please grab the "Tea Rose Home" grab button, and link back from your post. If you can mention the party in your post or place the button on your side bar, that would be great! I want more people to have a chance to come and show off their creation.

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