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Hi Everyone,
Today I wanted to introduce you to a very special friend of mine, Bullen. I have known him for a couple of years now and I can't begin to tell you how amazing he is. Currently living in Alabama, Bullen is trying to get a college education which he will use when he returns to his home, the Sudan, to help others. He needs the help of others though first. The program which brought him here for various reasons cannot continue and now the remainder of his education is in jeopardy. I will let him tell his story below but help would be appreciated in any form!
From Bullen...
The year was 1989…the month I cannot remember…the time was morning…I was in my small village in Mundri, Sudan. Muslims from the north raided my village…because we were Christians. The goal for the Muslims was to take everyone as a prisoner or slave, and burn anything that remained. However, they did not succeed…my God had greater plans for me…at the age of three. I survived. On this terrible day my parents, 5 brothers and sister were taken as prisoners while I was playing nearby with friends. As we all ran for safety, my grandfather took me into the jungle to live…and for years he and I survived on nothing more than roots of wild fruits.
In the jungle we lived life the best that we could. Tukuls were built for shelter…gardens were planted for food…wood was gathered for fire. Clothing was scarce but the love among us was great. My grandfather that cared for me was a preacher. He understood the love of Christ and he shared it with me often. At the age of 14, I knew that I had no hope and that Christ was the only way I could continue to live…so I asked Christ to be Lord of my life. My life has never been the same. My grandfather continued to model for me how to walk with the Lord. My past will always be my past, but I knew that by following Christ my future would be bright!
Life in the jungle was adventurous, scary and difficult. I was a very tiny small-framed boy, who learned great lessons from a wise grandfather, to whom I will be forever grateful. I dug the garden, walked miles for water, slept on a straw mat on the dirt floor, contracted malaria, had one clothes, listened for incoming aircraft with bombs, hid in foxholes, worshipped the Almighty God, was bullied by friends, lived with baboons and hyenas and I was bitten by a black mamba! I was getting a pumpkin in the garden when a black mamba struck me twice on the leg…blind and paralyzed within minutes…a neighbor witnessed the event…my little leg burst with poison…terrible pain and unable to see or speak for over a month. The Lord of my life healed me! This life was a walk of faith I will never forget and I will use my experience to glorify God by bringing hope to the people of Southern Sudan.
Life continued in the jungle for 15 years. Then in 2005 a peace treaty was signed in Sudan to end the war between the Muslims in the north and the Christians in the south. At this time, I had the opportunity to begin looking for my family. My search began in Juba at a refugee camp and thankfully my search ended there as well. By God’s grace I found my mother and my sister, but was saddened to hear that all five brothers were killed in the war and my father died as well. My mother’s heart was filled with joy, and I knew that our reunion was just another part of the greatness of God in my life.
Education has always been a priority in my life. My grandfather constantly encouraged me to learn. At a young age I would attend school under a tree in the jungle. I learned with no paper and pencils, only with dirt and sticks. But God continued to work in my life and I continued to trust Him for my education. Soon missionaries came to start a “real” school in Mundri. For the first time I was able to use a book and pencils (although I did have to break the pencils in half to share with friends). However this did not last long, after 6 short months the Muslims heard what was happening…Christians learning…and bombed our school. As a result missionaries left and the school was closed. My heart was broken but I trusted that God had a plan. After 2 years of trusting God to complete the work that He started in me…my cry was heard… American missionaries came and wanted to help me go to school. Through the missionaries, God would provide a way for me to travel to Uganda where I would attend and complete high school and begin preparing to accomplish my dream of a college education.
Most in Sudan will never have the experience of attending college, but I know in my heart that God had different plans for me. In January 2008, I was given the opportunity to apply for a student visa to travel to the United States. After eight long months of waiting and trusting, God saw fit for the Embassy to grant me my student visa. I could see my dream coming true…I was headed to the United States to attend college.
I have now been in the United States attending college for two years. This experience has exceeded all of my expectations. It is my desire to remain in the United States in order to complete the remainder of my college education, but this can no longer happen without the assistance of friends like you. Many years ago, God placed a desire in my heart to earn a college degree so that I could return to my country as an honest, Christian businessman and help provide employment and HOPE for my people.
I would first like to ask you to pray for me as I continue in this journey. I know that when believers pray our great God hears our cries. Second, I would like to ask you to consider giving financially to the completion of my education. No amount is too small. I know this is a large task and very expensive but I believe through faith in our big Lord it can be accomplished. Third, if you know of any churches, groups or organizations where I can share my story, please contact me 205-215-6363.
Thank you so much for your love and support! It is a blessing to call you brothers and sisters!
Make Checks payable to:
Four Corners Ministry
PO Box 161
Wedowee, Alabama, 36278
Memo Line: Bullen Education
www.4cornersministries.org via paypal
Comment: Bullen Education
Imparting Hope
Bullen Timo

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