Sometimes you see a picture of a piece of furniture, and you fall in love...
You call immediately, make promises to drive twenty miles, and show up with cash in hand...
You beat out 97 other callers who were also seduced, and cackle gleefully to yourself, thinking,
"I got it first!"
Then you drive the twenty miles to inspect the furniture and find that
it's not what you thought.
It may have lovely carvings and curvy legs, but it's NOT "real wood."
(Some people's definition of "wood" boggles the mind.)
You call immediately, make promises to drive twenty miles, and show up with cash in hand...
You beat out 97 other callers who were also seduced, and cackle gleefully to yourself, thinking,
"I got it first!"
Then you drive the twenty miles to inspect the furniture and find that
it's not what you thought.
It may have lovely carvings and curvy legs, but it's NOT "real wood."
(Some people's definition of "wood" boggles the mind.)
Unfortunately, at that point you may feel so stupid about the time and energy involved that you pass the money over anyway, and make a tiny woman help you haul a 2-ton dresser up a flight of stairs and out to your car in the rain.
Yes, I am very committed to my craft.
Lotsa sanding....lotsa drawers.....lotsa primer....lotsa paint....

I chose Sherwin Williams "Creamy" for this dresser, and glazed it with black craft paint. The dresser was missing one pull, but I had two in my stash of a similar style and the same size, so I chose to use those for the two center drawers. I sprayed all the hardware with ORB paint.
One of the drawers also had a broken track...a plastic one. I thought it would be easy enough to find a replacement. WRONG! I couldn't find a plastic track anywhere. I rigged a wooden track to kinda-sorta work, but the drawer is still sticky. I decided, "Too bad." I've invested too much time and energy in this piece already! I advertised it for a great price, and today someone is taking a lovely-looking piece of furniture home with them, fully aware that it was some flaws.
I am frantically getting ready for the Scraps of Simplicity Market, so it's time to move on!
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