Tomorrow Henry starts daycare and I would be lying if I told you I was completely okay with that. I have been dreading this day for a while now. It is not that I don't want to go back to work; if you work for yourself you know "maternity leave" is a fictional event. Henry and I have been working basically since he was born. This juggling act- having a newborn and working- has worked basically by taking him everywhere with me when our parents weren't in town to watch over him. We have amazing parents but when they are not here he has been content to nap at client's homes, showrooms, etc. Well except for the fit he pitched last week at a house (talk about feeling unprofessional, thank goodness for amazing clients as well).
Above pulling fabric with his Mom, below waiting patiently at the receiving warehouse for furniture to be loaded. (the guys at the warehouse are great with him, a plus in my book)
In some ways I am looking forward to having a routine and this not being a sight seen one too many times in my car...

And while I may not be winning any mother-of-the-year awards anytime soon I have loved all this time spent together. We have a schedule that works for us and it is nice to be working along and catch a glimpse of that face.

Also, I am sure Henry gets tired of running errands all the time (note the expression)....

Tomorrow though change is coming. I know it will be fine if I can just get past the first few days. I LOVE my job and that makes it so much easier. The place he is going came highly recommended by several friends and that is comforting. It is just the thought of someone else feeding him and holding him and playing with him all day gives me a lump in my throat the size of Texas. So for those of you who have been through this and have any advice I would love to hear it. Talking to other mothers has been wonderful so far and made me feel so much better. I have a feeling I am going to need some help tomorrow....
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