When Henry was born I knew I wanted professional newborn pictures taken but I was intimidated and overwhelmed and I was not sure which direction to go. At six weeks I decided it was time; no longer a "new" newborn the clock was ticking. He had already changed so much from birth (and so much since these were taken)! So I called Emily Joy with Emily Joy Designs and I am so glad I did. Here is a small sampling of Henry's pictures and I could not be more pleased (especially since he was not cooperating that day).

I was nervous to have someone come take pictures since Henry and I were still figuring things out but she made me feel so comfortable, even when he was pitching a fit. As a mom (soon to be of three) Emily understands how to work with babies and children which was comforting to me. I could not recommend her services more! For more information you can visit her website or blog or e-mail her @ emilyjoygresham@gmail.com. I can't wait for our next session!
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