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A Pair of 1950’s Chairs

My sister came to visit this past weekend and while we were out and about visiting one of our favorite stores I came across a pair of vintage orange 1950’s chairs.

I immediately fell in love with their unique shape, quirky style and great condition. The silhouette of the chairs when placed side by side reminded me of the settee I have in my office – one of my favorite pieces of furniture. I kept envisioning them painted white and upholstered in linen at the foot of my bed with a small table in between.

Needless to say, it didn’t take long to convince myself the chairs should come home with me. I was not sure how Mr. RDH was going to react to my unusual purchase but was pleasantly surprised when he liked them. Hurray!

Although my initial thought was to paint and reupholster the chairs to a more neutral color palette, for the time being they will be staying orange. I have found a home for them in a surprising location and will be sharing it with you soon.

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