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Reusing a Curtain to Make Pillows

My sisters and I have an agreement – if we no longer want or need something we ask each other first before giving it away to someone else. This applies not only to clothes but to household items, toys, furniture, bedding, etc. A great deal, as each of us has benefitted greatly from the others’ hand me downs.

So when it came time for a room redo for my oldest niece, all the usable bedding, pillows and curtains were destined to be passed onto my youngest niece. One of the projects for this room switcheroo was turning the below curtain (which I had previously made) into two Euro shams and a pillow.

After taking the curtain completely apart, it took a little bit of time to figure out how to best use the small and odd-shaped fabric pieces I had to work with. I finally figured out a plan and came up with the simple pillows below.

My sister was thrilled and her young daughter is very proud of her new big girl room!

Linking up to Metamorphosis Monday and some of these linky parties

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